We offer a varied range of courses for different target groups:
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The trunk of our body is involved in every movement and is important for good posture. In this training course, the whole body is stabilized and all muscles in the abdomen, lower back, pelvis and hip are stressed and challenged. The individual muscles are effectively trained as whole muscle loops with complex movements.
Circuit training
We have been offering circuit training in small groups for several years. Here, muscles of the front and rear chain are trained on equipment but also on mats.
The exercise at the respective station takes a certain time, followed by a break. The whole circle is optimally repeated 3 times.
In cooperation with the Sportpark Lech, we offer a movement lesson for seniors, which is adapted to the respective needs of the participants. Mobilization exercises, balance training, coordination and muscle relaxation are in the foreground. At the initiative of the Social Committee, this possibility was launched and also financially supported.
In top-class sport as well as an ambitious mass athlete, it makes sense to complete a sport-specific training after injuries, long training breaks or to get started in new sports. For this purpose, the actual state and the training progress are evaluated on the basis of standardized tests. Based on reference values, a statement can be made about a specific performance.
Meditationskurs mit Julia
Lerne in Anleitung und mit Begleitung alltagstaugliche Meditationsmethoden und Pranayamas
(Atemtechniken), die dir helfen dein Nervensystem zu regulieren, deine Vitalität zu stärken und die Verbindung zu dir selbst im Alltag wiederzufinden.
As a team outing, we did the BLACKROLL-TRAINER and MOVES training together in December 2018. The BLACKROLL as a training tool for mobilizing joints, muscle relaxation and fascia mobilization has become an integral part of sport.
Enjoyment of movement, achieving goals, speed and endurance,
Get to know limits.
This whole-body workout is not only suitable for children, but also for adults.
The latest studies show that seniors and people with underlying neurological diseases benefit in particular.
From next winter
there is our climbing training again.
Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss the dates.
In cooperation with the SCA, we supervised the biathlon dry training in the winter season 19/20 in the Sportpark Lech. Condition, dexterity, coordination, concentration, body awareness and breathing are just a few skills that are trained. With the professional system, sponsored by Viessmann , all participants will find the best conditions.
Maybe this summer too
From next winter
there is our biathlon training again.
Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss the dates.
Enjoyment of movement, achieving goals, speed and endurance,
Get to know limits.
This whole-body workout is not only suitable for children, but also for adults.
The latest studies show that seniors and people with underlying neurological diseases benefit in particular.
From next winter
there is our climbing training again.
Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss the dates.